Say Cheese!

CTT is a unique place. While I am sure other camps have soccer and canoeing, I feel like very few reward sixteen year old boys for dressing like girls. Last night’s Cheesy Skit did just that.

Cabin B featured Mia Sorongon watching television with the rest of her cabin acting out commercials that she grew fed up with and ended the skit by reading a book. Cabins 1 and 2 told the story of milk and cookies being stolen and Jerry Golub as the camper who tragically could not get his afternoon skit until heroes, played by the other boys, saved the day. Cabins G and H acted out a haunted house with Sasha Coates-Park as the leader. Cabin 5 did a hilarious documentary skit on obesity with Kyle Foster and Greg Sheyn as an obese couple and Tristan Oldham and Ethan Fannon as their exercising role models. Cabin 3 had a dinner party hosted by Gherry, the camp inflatable whale, but unfortunately Gherry had poisoned everyone at the party and luckily Crawford Hemmis discovered who did it and saved the cabin. Cabin 8 featured Tre’ Ingram as a magician who defeated all his opponents. Girls Tents did a Mean Girls spoof with Shelby Buyalos as Regina George. The winner came down to a tie with Cabin 4 and Boys Tents. Cabin 4 parodied characters from various comedy movies with Adam Lampal as Kenny McCormick, Scott Sakura as Jackie Chan, and Simon Rosenthal as Napoleon Dynamite all to save Gherry the Whale from being kidnapped. Boys Tents did a Wizard of Oz musical spoof with Oliver Schwartz as a vehemently voluptuous Dorothy. The tiebreaker was a silent movie skit with Boys Tents being the winner with their hilarious ‘The Sandlot’ skit.

Yesterday also showed how far some campers have come. Zach Buchalter and Crawford Hemmis shot bullseyes in archery. In tennis, Reid Madison won a target game. Adam Lampal, Pablo Heredia, Kelt Van Meurs, Juan Diego Granai, Juan Miguel Fernandez, Ethan Fannon, Kyle Foster, and Jack Rampy shot cans in riflery. Harry Kaplan and Reid Madison won king of the court. Janalyn Thurber and Darby Bouweiri won games of art bingo. Owen Abbey and Will Tannebaum won home run derbys. Pol Casamada, Dylan “Gulp” Schloer, and Jack Rampy hit the black in riflery (one away from a bullseye) and Claire Schmitt and Kyle Foster (who has made more blog appearances today than any camper thus far) won a driving contest in golf.

Today, Boys’ Leagues commences with all of boys’ side being split into four teams to compete for the rest of the session in sports, and the CTT Futsal tournament continues as well. During Free Swims today, there is a dodgeball game and later, CTT gathers for the wedding ceremony of Gherry the Whale and Camille the Seal. Tonight is Cabin Activity Night where the cabins get to bond at an area of camp and build on the friendships that will last a lifetime. It’s time for another great day!