You guys, it’s mid-second-session, and I feel like I’ve written a lot about a lot of things at camp. I’ve talked about various activities we do, various evening activities, trips, camp skills and friendships. I’d like to take this time to tell you how super cool it is that we get to hang out with your kids for a few weeks. I mean, your kids are excellent people. It’s loads of fun. I want to tell you a little something about how cool your kids are.
Your kids are so cool that they start games of kickball all of their own accord. They’re so cool that during their free time they go up to the rec hall to play gagaball, and they follow the rules in their own accord. Mel Jenkins is so cool that in Creative Writing class, she wrote a beautiful piece about learning to be nice. Freddi Rappaport is so cool that in Gymnastics on the hottest day so far this summer, she was still super excited about improving her round-off. John Barnes is so cool that during rest hour he has choreographed an entire dance for his cabin, which they perform frequently and with great skill, flash-mob style, most afternoons. The CIT2s are so cool because they’ve been helping out at night, getting the little ones to bed.
Your kids are engaged in a deeply competitive ping-pong tournament. They’re playing futsal like pros, when I’m pretty sure some of them had never heard of futsal this time two weeks ago. Your kids are so cool that they teach each other new techniques for holding on to the tube during tubing; they take turns jumping off the diving board; they help each other out during Cabin Clean-Up to make sure their cabin is the cleanest. Your kids build rafts and make rockets and climb higher than they thought they could on the rock wall. Your kids are teaching me new card games and new dance moves. And I think all of that’s super cool.
So thank you. From myself and all of the staff here at Camp Tall Timbers, thanks for the chance to get to know all of your funny, talented, creative, spunky kids. It’s truly an awesome gift.