College Day, and our wonderful CITs

Yesterday was a Saturday, which means the usual class schedule went out the window in favor of a whirlwind day of challenges, cheers and fun. These much-anticipated all-day Saturday events always have a theme, and yesterday’s was College Day. Games included Freshman 15 (a no-hands pudding eating contest), Going to Class (which was actually Name That Tune) and water polo, which was only marginally related to college but was still a highlight of the day. Saturdays take a lot of planning, and it couldn’t be done without our CITs.

CITs (Counselors in Training) are the actual greatest. Our oldest campers, they spend the majority of their day doing normal activities, playing sports, making memories and doing the whole camp thing. But they also have some responsibility for the functioning of camp. They spend one period each day assisting counselors in teaching various activities, and they help get the littlest campers ready for bed at night. In this way they learn what being a camp counselor is all about, even as they get to enjoy the best of what Tall Timbers has to offer. CITs are usually having a ton of fun anyway, but part of being a CIT is modeling for the younger campers: good sportsmanship, positivity, good humor and high energy.

I’ll be the first to admit it: I love our CITs. They’re Tall Timbers pros: they know all the songs and all the traditions, they love helping out, and best of all, they’re not afraid to make fools of themselves. Okay, that sounds a little weird, but being super open about your weirdness is kind of a camp requirement. CITs get that, and they’re awesome. Whether it’s going above and beyond with their skits, spending their free time coming up with original poetry to share at Saturday Service or coming up with lots of ideas for ridiculous ways to make Theme Days even more fun, CITs take campering to a whole new level. So today I’m making a shout-out to our wonderful, wacky, creative, energetic CITs.

Other Tall Timbers Happenings 

– Jami Siegal learned to dive at the pool

– Devon Cantor made a halfcourt shot in basketball

– Reece Dennison rode bareback for the first time

– Michelle Pollowitz won three games of knockout in archery

– Corinne Polk-Trauman kicked a great last-minute field goal to win at flag football

– Danielle Tundo learned three chords on the guitar

– Hikers caught three crawfish and a salamander (and let them go)