Why Choose Camp Tall Timbers?
At Camp Tall Timbers, we believe that a great summer camp experience has never been more relevant than right now! Camp brings our children closer to nature and fosters social and emotional development while encouraging independence, resiliency, empathy, and adaptability.
We are excited to be celebrating over 50 fabulous years of fun at Camp Tall Timbers.
Click Here To Read More: Away From The Everyday (Page 10)
Our campers tell us over and over that the experiences they had at CTT and the life-long friendships they made have helped them become the successful adults they are today. No surprise then, that so many former campers entrust their children to us every summer!
Camp Tall Timbers is proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association, which has 50 years of trust behind it. To earn accreditation, we undergo a thorough review of our operations, from staff qualifications and training to emergency management. There are more than 300 standards in all! Camp Tall Timbers and the ACA have a partnership that promotes individual growth and fun in an environment committed to safety. In addition, we take extra steps to seek counsel from the American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Red Cross, and others, to ensure quality and safety.
We are rated one of the 50 most amazing summer camps in the U.S. by Early Childhood Education Zone and by Top Education Degrees.org. We have also earned top ratings in Bethesda Magazine’s Best Overnight Camps issue.
Award-Winning Program
Camp Tall Timbers takes pride in being Washington Families “Best for Families Winner” Overnight Summer Camp, 2019 Top Vote Getter, 2017 Winner and 2015 Top Vote Getter for Best of Bethesda Summer Camp (Overnight).
To create a safe, nurturing, and fun camp experience for all campers.
Campers will have a positive experience away from every day and make lasting friendships with many fond memories.
Here are some of our priorities for our camp experience:
- Respect others, collaborate as a team and be active in our camp community
- Provide quality programming
- Staff exceptional team of directors and counselors who are well trained and compassionate
- Grow emotionally, socially and physically
- Build confidence and independence
- Promote decision-making and self-esteem
- To provide an environment where campers are encouraged to try new activities
- Make a friend
- Diverse community
Creating a culture that cares and builds a sense of community.
- Allow campers to experience working and living in a collaborative environment
- Provide the opportunity for campers to set goals, learn new skills and challenge themselves
- Create an environment to promote healthy interactions with their peers
- Help campers appreciate and connect with nature’s wonder