Skit Night

You guys. So much has happened. I literally do not know if I could sum it all up, that’s how full the last couple days has been. Big happenings include our trip to King’s Dominion, the futsal quarterfinals, the play dress rehearsals, and an epic and hilarious skit night with the theme ‘Harry Potter with a Twist’. And that doesn’t even cover all the other things that have happened, all the bullseyes made, all the times the rock wall was summited, the masterpieces made in art class, the ping pong victories and the splashes made in tubing. Not to mention all the important conversations had on the bleachers or the pavilion as everybody realizes how quickly Second Session is drawing to a close. There’s so much left to do.

Skit night was totally awesome. We do a lot of skits here at camp. Sometimes people get just ten minutes to come up with a two-minute skit, and we all understand that part of the hilarity will be in the hurriedness of the design. Other times, like this past time, campers have days to plan their skit. There are props, elaborate jokes, and blocking that would make Broadway take interest. People go hard for Skit Night. And this time it was Harry Potter with a Twist. There were six groups of campers planning skits related to six of the movies, and the counselors were Group Seven. Okay, petty camp-drama moment: I’m pretty sure the staff would have won, but Boys Tents thought it would be funny to give us all zeros on their score cards. I thought we were hilarious. But so was everybody else.

Highlights: Brady Osterman spending the entirety of the Goblet of Fire skit in a cardboard box that said “Goblet of Fire”, popping his head out to exclaim various things at predictable intervals. Harry Potter and friends accidentally ending up in the Ice Age movie franchise, rescuing a human child that ended up being the offspring of none other than Lord Voldemort. Zoey Zhang emerging from her shell as the screaming egg in the Goblet of Fire. Matt Kasoff masterfully playing both Narrator and Harry Potter, matched with heavy doses of cheating towards the audience with ironic winks. Carly Dalton and Sydney Sachs as adorable Minions in a Harry Potter/Despicable Me mashup.

It was a roaring success. And so was King’s Dominion. We got back late last night, and had a late wakeup this morning, so if you’ll excuse me, I have a ton more fun to have as quickly as possible.

Other Tall Timbers Happenings

–       Alice Zhao, Yolanda Fan and Freddi Rappoport made it to the top of the wall for the first time

–       The Red Bulls and the Yellow Polkadotted Hippopotami beat out the Purple Nurples and the Orange Crush and will advance to the Superbowl

–       Emma Murphy got a bullseye in archery

–       Leonard Pasquier was the MVP of futsal

–       Carly Dalton was the MVP of flag football