The end of Second session is the definition of bittersweet. On one hand, we get a trip to Hershey Park; get to see a dance show and play, and Color War. On the other, of course, sadly, CTT Second session 2013 ends.
We learn skills at activities and have fun during free swims but the best thing about CTT is the memories. We have the memory of Jelly Chen eating a lemon, including the rind, at Citrus Night. We have the great memories of Boys Tents’ skits with their cliffhangers and multiple parts. We recall the masterful performance of Ethan Polk-Trauman and Matt Kasoff “Fly Me to the Moon” at the campfire. Speaking of campfires, remember how great Nature Portraits were? We sure do. Who can forget Spencer Smith’s spot-on impression of Nicholas Cage in Cheesy Skit Night or Jordan Abel’s prowess at greased up watermelon in Gross Day. I’ll always remember the excitement the Rappoports and Daltons had every morning at Dippies and the joy Ian Osterman would receive from beating everyone at ping-pong and tennis. There are too many memories at camp for one blog post or even website.
A special thank you to Boys Tents for stepping up as camp leaders better than any tent group in the past, including my own, and really showing the camp is in great hands long after this staff leaves, and another shoutout to Pol Casamada and Jasmine Whims for being great CITs and I hope to see them as counselors next year.
Here at camp, things slowly come to a close and we’re preparing for that fateful day where eyes are teary, bags are packed, and everyone is embraced in a classic CTT hug. The CTTFFL ended with the Purple Nurples winning the Jerry Smith Trophy. Color War starts tomorrow with the Blue team trying to get another victory against the White team. Today is the final for the futsal tournament and the CTT Fantasy Football Darft commences. Tonight, we have a great night ahead with the art show, dance show, and the play: A Family Reunion to Die For. Then, we finish the Ping-Pong tournament, have our last banquet, say a few words about our time, and leave.
So with this final blog entry of Second Session 2013 I say farewell. For the past three years, I have been able to basically write about my life and time here at CTT, which has been made exponentially better with everything your kids have done. I love the comments daily about what you are thinking and hearing from your children that you like the blog, it means a lot. Once again, thanks, goodbye, and be prepared for some stories and smiles and a countdown with less than 364 days to CTT 2014. We’re all waiting with anticipation. Wohelo.