Water Water Everywhere

Everybody loves a day at the beach. After a normal morning of activities, we loaded up the buses and headed to Cacapon State Park. The sand was soft and the water was not too cold so it made for a great day for all. We played Frisbee and passed a soccer ball around and then had a cookout. The night ended with an obstacle course throughout the park and a fun and safe bus ride home.

After just a few days at camp, we already feel at home. Dippies is slowly, but surely accruing members. For those who don’t know, Dippies is when, at the wake-up bell, you head down to the pool and jump in. Trust me, it is a great wake-up. In daily activities, campers are shooting bullseyes more and more and Zach Buchalter caught a fish yesterday. Boys Leagues is fully underway and all the guys are playing competitively in soccer, kickball, basketball, and dodgeball while at Girl Power Hour, the girls do aerobics, dance, and dodgeball. Tonight is Dance Through the Decades where each cabin will get a decade to create a dance or skit to and tomorrow is Wild West Day where instead of normal activities, we wake up a bit later, have cinnabuns for breakfast, and spend the day as cowboys. Yeehaw!