Good evening from Third Session at Camp Tall Timbers! Today all the new campers arrived, and it was an exciting day for everyone. Campers were reunited with friends from previous years and began to make new friends with those who haven’t been part of the CTT family before.
We started the day with lunch followed by a short rest hour. The rest hour was spent unpacking and arranging the campers’ belongings as well as chatting away with their cabin friends. The bell then rang at 2.30pm for the afternoon activity – Clue. Joey had been murdered, found by Casey and we needed to find the culprit!
We met at the pavilion for a debrief of the situation and then each cabin went around in groups, some cabins teaming up – Cabins A and F together as well as Cabins 3 and 5, and Cabin 7 with Boys’ Tents (double trouble!). The campers had to go to several activities and try and get some clues as a reward for their hard work. We had stations at the pool, the gym mats and tennis, to name a few. Cabin 8 were the fastest team to undo a human knot at the gym mats with a score of 0.19 seconds (crazy), compared to Girls’ Tents that took just over 7 minutes.
The activity went on for a couple of hours before we were all back at the pavilion to see which team had found the clues and solved the crime!
Once the game was over we had time for free swim before our first camp dinner of this session: lasagna, calzones and garlic bread – It was a winner!
The day ended with a campfire for our introductory evening activity. Each cabin worked together to create a skit about a bear from Timber Ridge breaking in and stealing all of Bill’s food. But, there was a twist – everything had to be sung! It was a song skit, and it was highly amusing. Girls’ Tents took to the floor and did a version of ‘We are Boys’ Tents’, but ‘We are Girls’ Tents’ and presented their story of the bears being caught. Cabin F went with a Goldilocks theme with Ashlyn narrating (singing) the synopsis. It was very funny. However, Cabin A won the best skit for their performance featuring a lot of choral singing led by Dani and Sydney.
Everyone then sung a couple of songs together – Country Roads being a campfire classic and Wonderwall, before making our s’mores and heading to bed with big smiles on the campers’ faces. We can tell already that Third session will definitely be a blast!