Evening Activity Extravaganza!

Second session was filled with so many fun evening activities it was an evening activity extravaganza!! Here are just a few examples:

Zombie Apocalypse Night!

Last week campers were split into six groups to try and find a cure to an infectious disease causing an outbreak of zombies! Teams were sent through activities to gain power ups such as 2x points, freeze a zombie, ‘no bones’ a zombie, and revive a teammate to help win capture the flag on the golf hill!

These activities consisted of getting one bullseye, two in red, or three in blue at archery, climbing to the top of the climbing wall, getting fifteen soccer goals, getting two basketball hoops with defense, winning a game of volleyball against the zombies, and sending your whole team through the spider web without touching it.

Zombies were stationed at the bottom of the golf hill and each team would send two campers at a time to grab a paint bottle. If tapped by a zombie, then they became infected and became part of the zombies chasing after those trying to retrieve the flag! 

The team that retrieved the most flags in the end defeated the zombies and found a cure! Vance and Jami’s team won which consisted of Sydney Rob, Maddy, Skylar, Poppy, Chloe, Frederick, Chase, Jack, Heath, Thomas, and Iver. But the evening activity extravaganza didn’t end there!

Clue Night!

Tuesday night we had clue night! This activity consisted of teams of campers doing a scavenger hunt around camp and finding clues to figure out who ate the pudding, with what weapon, and where this horrendous crime took place.

Each team had to go to the lake campfire, pavilion, pool, frisbee golf hole, office porch, art shack, rec hall, gym mats, basketball courts, sports shed, soccer goal, golf putting green, archery, climbing wall, and the entrance sign. At each of these locations there was an envelope hidden with certain locations, people, and weapons, which would then be crossed off, and then through the process of elimination the last one in each category is the correct answer to the mystery.

Throughout this hunt teams had the ability to gain power cards which consisted of blackmail – the ability to ask a team to reveal one of their cards to you; bribery – the ability to trade this power card for one of theirs; friendly wager – ability to wager a certain number of cars and play rock-paper-scissors with the losing team revealing the number of cards wagered to the winning team; and investigate a theory – the ability to ask a team one person, place, and weapon and if they have one of those they must show you.

The first team to complete the scavenger hunt with the correct answer and win was Harold’s team which consisted of Mackenzie, Serena, Natalia, Malcom, Jacob, and Timmy. In the end we found that Vance ate the pudding at the gym mats with the fancy spoon!

Citrus Night!

Sunday night we had a camp favorite evening activity citrus night! Each team of counselors picked campers’ names out of a hat to randomly create a team. After picking teams each team also randomly picked an orange which determined how much money they could spend at the auction. Items such as: a tube from the art shack, box, broken water gun, baseball, etc. were sold, but teams were not told what these objects would be used for in the end. 

Throughout this auction teams were able to gain more money if they were wearing citrus colors and through citrus wammies, which are challenges (mostly) with oranges. These included bocce, bucket throw and dunking a counselor with the cold water, two person toss, peeling an orange the fastest, squeezing the most juice out, making a song about an orange, worshipping an orange, and a lemon juice shot. 

Once all of the items were sold each team had to build something to protect the orange when getting hit with a baseball bat with the items they bought and tape. In the end, Rosalie and Alex’s team came away with the victory! What an incredible evening activity extravaganza!

Signing off with a Can-do Attitude 🙂

Jami Siegal

PS. Want to explore more of the fun we’ve had this summer? Hear from our campers in this blog!